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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 大学治理法治化的新格局,也即“共建共治共享”的大学治理法治化格局。在大学治理过程中,法治既是手段又是目的,“共建共治共享”则是大学法治化格局的应然形态。打造“共建共治共享”新格局之核心的时代价值和现实意义表现在:它是实现大学善治的必由之路,是新时代高等教育改革的客观要求,是促进高等教育内涵式发展的现实需要,是加快和保障“双一流”建设的必要条件。然而,“共建共治共享”新格局的构筑也面临若干掣肘及现实困境,主要存在于以下方面:法律体系的完善程度,法律主体的权责关系,与实体法配套的程序法及监督问责制度,法律被认知和运用的方式,大学的法律定位、规制建设及法治精神等。因此,大学法治化新格局的形成需从如下途径着力:通过法治明确行政、学术权力各自的适用领域和范围,变政府放权模式、学校行政弱权模式为行政确权模式;将相关软法规范纳入大学法治范畴,及时出台、健全教育程序法律法规并全方位提高大学法治的监管和问责能力;多措并举增强法治化应对信息化、智能化等带来的新风险的能力;积极寻求法治系统与其他治理系统的紧密合作和优势互补。
关键词: 大学法治;大学治理;共建共治共享;内涵式发展;双一流;软法
Collaboration, participation and common interests: The new model of “rule by law” in university governance based on Xi's idea of social governance
HU Bicheng, OUYANG Peng
(Educational Science Research Institute, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China; School of Marxism, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)
Abstract: In the new university governance model based on collaboration, participation, and common interests, "rule by law" is both the means and the ultimate goal. The CPCI (collaboration, participation, and common interests) is the proper form of the "rule by law" model. The main value and practical significance of establishing the new CPCI model lie in that it is the requirement of higher education reform in the new era, the only way to achieve good governance of university, the internal motivation to bring out the full potential of higher education, and the guarantee of the necessary conditions for the construction of "world-class universities and world-class disciplines" project. However, the construction of the new model is faced with a number of constraints and difficulties, mainly in the degree of perfection of the legal system, the delimitation of the rights and responsibilities of entities, the procedural law and supervision mechanism, the way of law being recognized and used, and university's "legal positioning, rule-making, the spirit of the law" and so on. Therefore, we need to focus on the following ways to form the new CPCI model: constructing a scientific legalization methodology, defining the applicable areas of administrative and academic power through the "rule by law", changing the government decentralization model and the university administrative weakening model to the admi, nistrative rights-defining model, incorporating relevant soft law norms into the regulations of university, timely promulgating and perfecting educational procedural laws and regulations, comprehensively improving the ability of the university's supervision mechanism, taking multiple measures to enhance the "rule by law" to face new risks brought about by informationization and artificial intelligence, and actively seeking close cooperation of the "rule by law" system with other governance systems.
Key words: rule by law in universities; university governance; "collaboration, participation, and common Interests"; connotative development; "world-class universities and world-class disciplines"; soft law
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