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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 党的领导写入宪法正文,迫切需求一种更加完善的宪法领导权教义学。通过重读宪法起草者的论述,并分析宪法序言中“将”字的两种内涵可知,1982年宪法序言对党的领导是既写事实、更表主张。2018年修宪在正文明示党的领导,强调了其作为我国宪法基本原则的地位,使社会主义制度的宪法内涵更加完整。党实施领导权的原则是总揽全局、协调各方,这要求党总揽而不包办,协调而不替代,切实履行政治责任,不代行宪定的国家机构职权。领导权具有宪法效力,党自身、民主党派、其他政治性力量、武装力量、国家政权机关等都负有不得破坏党的领导的宪法义务。实施宪法党的领导条款,应加快形成系统详尽的党的领导法规制度群,深入推进党的领导制度化、法治化。
关键词: 党的领导;宪法教义学;规范;效力;领导权
Legal dogmatic interpretation of CPC's leadership in current constitution
JIANG Qinghua
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410012,China)
Abstract: Writing CPC's leadership into the text of the Constitution is in urgent need of a more improved dogmatic interpretation. By rereading the drafting of the constitution drafters, and two connotations of the word "Jiang" in the preamble of the Constitution, the study finds that the preface to 1982 Constitution is not merely "narrative," but also opinionated of CPC's leadership. And the body of the 2018 Amendment clearly states the CPC's leadership and emphasizes its status as the basic principle of Constitution. The principle of implementing leadership power is to take the overall situation into consideration and coordinate all parties, which requires the Party to take the overall situation rather than undertaking it, to coordinate rather than substituting it, to fulfill its political responsibilities conscientiously rather than acting for the functions and powers of state organs. Leadership power has constitutional effect. The Party itself, the Democratic Parties, other political forces, armed forces, organs of state power, all have the constitutional obligation not to undermine the CPC's leadership. It is mainly the Party's internal rules rather than the national laws that should undertake the task of standardization of leadership power.
Key words: CPC's leadership; constitutional dogmatics; norm; validity; leadership power
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