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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 司马相如《子虚》《上林》赋经典化的原因有三点:一是其首创了“以讽谕为歌颂”的大赋模式,并成为大赋创作的文体象征;二是其“以田猎为讲武”的开放性叙写,既适应了汉武帝时代征伐匈奴的需要,又在后代被不断延续与开发;三是其“以推类为巨衍”奠定了汉大赋的体式,迎合了朝廷好大喜功与文人炫才的心理,并被历代遵用。由此可知,《子虚》《上林》赋经典化的历史经验是,既以开创性获得所在时代的盛誉,又给后世树立了承续的榜样与探究学习的空间。
关键词: 讽谕;歌颂;讲武;闳侈巨衍
Canonization and historical experience of Zixu Fu and Shanglin Fu
HU Dalei
(School of Literature, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China)
Abstract: The reasons for the canonization of Sima Xiangru's Zixu Fu and Shanglin Fu are as follows. Firstly, it initiated the model of "eulogizing with sarcasm", which became the style symbol of the creation of Da Fu. Secondly, the open narration of "hunting for military training" not only meets the needs of counter-attacking Huns in the period of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, but also has continuous continuation and development in the later generations. Thirdly, it established the style of Han Da Fu through a great many extensions by analogy, catered to the court's pursuing for contribution and the psychology of scholars' showing off talents, which was followed by the later dynasties. From this, we can sum up the historical experience of the canonization of Zixu Fu and Shanglin Fu: not only to gain the reputation of the times by pioneering, but also to set a continuing example and learning space for later generations.
Key words: sarcasm; eulogy; military training; a great many extensions
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