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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 城市与乡村是两个世界,二者的区别是系统性的。不过,战时国都是个例外。全面抗战爆发后,重庆的战时国都身份来得仓促,城与人都没准备好。下江人的不断聚集和疏散,以及城市区域的不断扩大和乡镇化,使得重庆成了一座散落的、流动的城市,包含了城市重庆和乡村重庆两种样态,形成了“乡村里的都市”的文化奇观。在城市重庆和乡村重庆之间,存在着一种特殊的互动形式,城市文明与乡村文明相互嵌入,下江人频繁穿越于城市生活与乡村生活之间。城市重庆和乡村重庆的越界,造就了乡村里的都市社会,造成了城市知识分子的乡村化,城乡往返的体验影响了重庆叙事的空间构成和观念表达。对于不具有“进入都市的权利”的重庆乡民而言,他们在自己的家乡遭遇了下江人携带的现代文明,突然而至又迅速离场的现代生活使他们经受了身份的迷失和心理的失衡。
关键词: 乡村;都市;战时国都;重庆;城市想象
The city in the country: The wartime capital and literary portrait with a fusion of city and country
LI Yongdong
(School of Literature, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
Abstract: City and country are two separate worlds, and the differences between them are systematic. But wartime capital is an exception. Chongqing's status as a wartime capital was established abruptly, and both of the city and its people were not ready. Due to the continuous gathering and evacuation of people who lived downstream, as well as the continuous expansion of urban areas and villagization, Chongqing became a scattered and mobile city, including two forms of urban Chongqing and rural Chongqing, which formed a cultural wonder of "city in the countryside". There is a special form of interaction between urban and rural Chongqing. Urban civilization and rural civilization are embedded in each other, and urban life and rural life frequently cross. The transgression between urban Chongqing and rural Chongqing has brought up the urban society in the countryside and caused the ruralization of urban intellectuals. For Chongqing villagers who do not have the "right to enter the city", they encounter the modern civilization carried by people who live downstream in their hometown, and the modern life of sudden arrival and rapid departure makes them suffer from the loss of identity and psychological imbalance.
Key words: country; city; wartime capital; Chongqing; city image
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