自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 新中国七十年是中华民族努力实现从“站起来、富起来到强起来”的七十年,也是中国共产党领导人民艰辛探索生态文明建设,期盼“绿起来与美起来”的七十年。七十年来,我们党坚持以问题为导向,探索与推进生态文明建设,在此期间生态思想的演进经历了环境整治、环境保护、可持续发展、统筹发展与绿色发展等不同阶段。在七十年生态思想的历史演进中,我们党始终做到坚持发展生产与改善民生的辩证统一、坚持经济发展与保护环境的辩证统一、坚持改造自然与顺应自然的辩证统一、坚持制度保障与科技保障的辩证统一、坚持立足国内与参与全球的辩证统一。在七十年生态思想的历史演进中,我们党坚持中国美丽的方向、坚持依法治理的方略、坚持厉行节约的方针、坚持系统思维的方式与坚持群众路线的方法,对我国走向生态文明新时代具有重要的历史启示。
关键词: 新中国;七十年;中国共产党;生态文明;演进
Retrospect and enlightenment during the evolution of CPC’s ecological thinking in the past 70 years since the founding of New China
ZUO Xuesong
(School of Marxism, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China)
Abstract: The 70 years since the founding of New China is a 70-year period when Chinese nation “has risen and gained wealth and power,” and also a 70-year period when Chinese nation “has created a greener and more beautiful society” in exploring ecological civilization construction under the leadership of the CPC. In these 70 years of the historical evolution of ecological thinking, our Party, being problem-oriented, has adhered to exploring and promoting ecological civilization construction, whose ecological thoughts have evolved through various stages of environment renovation, environment protection, sustainable development, scientific development, and green development. In these 70 years of historical evolution, CPC has always adhered to the dialectical unity of developing production and improving people's livelihood, of economic development and environmental protection, of reforming nature and conforming to nature, of system guarantee and technology guarantee, and of taking a foothold in China and participating in the world. In these 70 years, CPC has abided by the beautiful direction of China, by the strategy of governing according to law, resource-saving, by the way of systematic thinking, and by the mass line, which has important historical enlightenment to the new era of ecological civilization.
Key words: New China;70 years; CPC; ecological civilization; evolution
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