自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 媒介技术的发展和媒介融合的增强,引发了自20世纪90年代以来的多模态研究。多模态研究强调符号的物质性和符号运用者的感官性在意义生成中发挥的重要作用。从多模态维度审视文学,可以看到语言文字兼形、声、义三维,通过施演与多种媒介的结合,能够产生丰富的多模态经验。在20世纪初以来的表演文学、印刷实验文学、数字文学等先锋探索中,多模态维度不仅深入参与到文学意义构成之中,还呈现出超出语义维度的特征。文学多模态实践的发展和多模态理论研究的兴起,为反思文学意义理论的语言学范式和观念论传统提供了契机,对重估文学与媒介的关系、重审先锋实验文学的思想指向提供了启示。因此,多模态应该成为当下推进文学意义研究的一个新维度。
关键词: 多模态;文学意义;语言转向;具身;跨界
Multimodality: A new dimension of the study on literary meanings
ZHANG Haochen
(Department of Literature, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China)
Abstract: The development of media technology and the enhancement of media convergence have led to multimodal research since the early 1990s of the 20th century, which emphasizes that the materiality of the sign itself and the embodiment of the sign process play an important role in the generation of meanings. Looking at literature from the multimodal dimension, we can see that languages and characters are both of three dimensions of shape, sound and meaning and can be further expanded by means of performance and media, generating rich multimodal sensory experience. In the pioneering explorations of performance literature, printed experimental literature and digital literature since the beginning of the 20th century, the multimodal dimension not only deeply participates in the composition of literary meaning, but also discloses the complexity and diversity between the visual-sound dimensions and the semantic dimension. The development of literary multimodal practice and the rise of multimodal theory research provide an opportunity to reflect on the linguistic paradigm and ideational tradition of literary meaning theory, an enlightenment to reassess the relationship between literature and media and to review the orientation of pioneering experimental literature. Therefore, multimodality should become a new dimension in the current study of literary meanings.
Key words: multimodality; literary meanings; linguistic turn; embodiment; border crossings
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