自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 丁帆的学术随笔散文集《人间风景》以风景为抒写主题。一方面,在对自然风景的叙述中,其散文展示出鲜明的智性风格,包括洞悉文化悖论的哲学内涵、寻求精神解放的人性内涵和回归记忆生活的诗性内涵;另一方面,在对人文风景的思辨中,其散文形构出明晰的价值品格,直陈当代知识分子应具备的时代观、家国观和人生观,包括启蒙精神和思想智慧、独立精神和自由品格、抗争精神和狷介风骨。在对历史风景的回溯中,其散文彰显出寻觅王朝更迭奥秘、勾勒学人精神图谱和反刍青春苦涩体验的情致品格,从而构建出一种将启蒙思想、人文精神、知识学养、理性思辨和抒情审美等融为一体的学者散文新范式。
关键词: 风景抒写;人文精神;智性经验;散文范式
Construction of humanistic spirit and intellectual experience in “landscape” writing
JIN Chunping
(School of Journalism and Arts, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006, China)
Abstract: Ding Fan's collection of academic essays Earthly Landscapes takes the academic proposition of landscape as the theme of expression. On the one hand, in the narration of natural scenery, his prose shows a distinct intellectual style, including the philosophical connotation of cultural paradox, the human connotation of seeking spiritual emancipation and the poetic connotation of returning to memorable life. On the other hand, in the reflection of humanistic landscape, his prose form configures a clear value character, pointing out that the contemporary intellectuals should possess the views of the times, of family and country, and of life, including enlightenment spirit, and ideological wisdom, independence spirit and freedom character, and the spirit of struggle. Thirdly, in the retrospect of historical scenery, his prose shows the emotional character of searching for the mystery how dynasties change, outlining the spiritual map of scholars and ruminating the bitter experience of youth. A new paradigm of intellectuals' prose is constructed, which integrates enlightenment thought, humanistic spirit, knowledge accomplishment, rational speculation and Lyric aesthetics.
Key words: landscape writing; humanistic spirit; intellectual experience; prose paradigm
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