文章编号:1672-3104(2019)04-0158-08 |
论钱曾注《病榻消寒杂咏》对钱谦益形象的书写 |
张娜娜 |
(中国社会科学院研究生院, 北京,102488) |
摘 要: 钱谦益所作的最后一组杂诗《病榻消寒杂咏》46首被学界认为是其回味平生的个人小传,该组杂诗中颇多“廋辞隐语”,书写隐晦,是探求钱谦益心史的重要参考资料。其门生兼族孙钱曾以征引文献的方式注释该组杂诗,并从三个方面书写了钱谦益形象:一是称引历史人物比拟钱谦益的多重身份;二是援用古代典故暗喻今事,解说钱谦益的政治时局观;三是博采诗文杂说,再现钱谦益的生命情态。钱曾在注释中为钱谦益“代下注脚”“发皇心曲”,揭示隐藏在钱谦益诗歌中的自我书写,并在“解码”诗歌意蕴的同时呈现了清人注清诗独特的诠释技艺。 |
关键词: 钱曾;注释;钱谦益;《病榻消寒杂咏》; 形象 |
The writing of Qian Qianyi’s images in Qian Zeng’s annotation of Bing Ta Xiao Han Za Yong |
ZHANG Nana |
(Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 102488, China) |
Abstract: Qian Qianyi's last group of 46 poems, Bing Ta Xiao Han Za Yong, was regarded by the academic circle as an individual biography of recollecting his whole life. This group of poems, though implied and obscure, can be an important reference to his spiritual journey. His disciple who is also his grandson named Qian Zeng annotated this group of poems by citing literature extensively, and created the images of Qian Qianyi from three aspects: alluding to historical figures to suggest Qian Qianyi's multiple identities; using the old allusions to explain Qian Qianyi's values about the current political situation; citing the poems, songs, essays and notes to reproduce Qian Qianyi's spirit of life. It is worth noting that in the annotation, Qian Zeng “dai xia zhu jiao” and “fa huang xin qu” for Qian Qianyi, revealing and conveying his self-analysis, and “decoding” the meaning of this group of poems as well as revealing the unique techniques in poetry annotation of Qing Dynasty. |
Key words: Qian Zeng; annotation; Qian Qianyi; Bing Ta Xiao Han Za Yong; image |