自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 厦门大学人文学院,福建厦门,361005;
2. 厦门大学嘉庚学院,福建漳州,363105)
摘  要: 通过整理社区词概念提出至今25年来的理论与应用研究的成果,对社区词研究进行了分期与研究视角的归纳。以1993年“社区词”概念首次提出、2011年“社区词”收入《语言学名词》为时间节点,将社区词研究分为在新词研讨中提出社区词概念、社区词理论的建构与社区词研究的拓展三个阶段,将三个研究阶段中的研究视角归纳为普通话标准视角和大华语标准视角两种,在此基础上分别讨论了社区词在现代汉语词汇来源系统与大华语词汇系统中的定位,并提出了新阶段社区词有待继续研究解决的问题。
关键词: 社区词;研究分期;研究视角;大华语;词汇学
The research stages and perspectives of community words and their position in lexicology
TIAN Jing1, SU Xinchun1,2
(1. College of Humanities, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China;
2. Tan Kah Kee College, Xiamen University, Zhangzhou 363105, China)
Abstract: By sorting out the research achievements in both theoretical exploration and practical application of community words since the concept was put forward 25 years ago, the present study illustrates the stage-division and perspectives of its research. Taking as the dividing lines the two events of putting forward the concept in 1993 and enlisting it into Chinese Terms in Linguistics in 2011, the research on community words is divided into three stages: the stage of concept proposing at seminars over new words , the stage of theory constructing,and the stage of research expanding. Besides, related research perspectives can be concluded as Mandarin–oriented perspective and the Great Chinese oriented perspective. Based on such induction, the present essay also discusses the positioning of community words in Modern Chinese lexical system and the Great Chinese lexical system respectively, and raises some new research questions to be studied on community words in the new period.
Key words: community words; research stage division; research perspectives; the Great Chinese; lexicology
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