文章编号:1672-3104(2019)03-0151-09 |
从改革语言到重塑思想——论1930年代的文艺大众化运动 |
王立峰 |
(南京大学文学院,江苏南京 210023) |
摘 要: “五四”时期的文学革命为中国现代文学树立了新的典范,白话文学的正统地位自此得以确认。但是自1928年成仿吾、李初犁等人提出“革命文学论”之后,左翼文学理论不断冲击着刚形成不久的新文学范式。在1930年代的文艺大众化运动中,左翼文学理论家试图从语言、文字、文学形式、作家与大众之间的关系等角度入手,检讨新文学的得失,进而建立新的无产阶级文学范式。以思考路径而论,瞿秋白等左翼理论家与“五四”乃至晚清一代的知识分子未尝没有相似之处,只是他们的做法更加激烈,倡议更为极端。从建立一种笼统的、阶级性的革命文学,到实现文字的拉丁化,彻底打破文学与大众间的壁垒,左翼文学理论呈现出越来越激进的趋势,这正是左翼知识分子面对新的历史语境,不断调整文学与政治关系的结果。 |
关键词: 瞿秋白;言文一致;文艺大众化运动;无产阶级文化范式 |
From language reform to thought remoulding: On the Arts Popularization Movement in the 1930s |
WANG Lifeng |
(School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China) |
Abstract: Ever since the establishment of the new paradigm of Chinese literature after the May 4th Movement, the legitimate status of vernacular literature has been confirmed. However, since Cheng Fangwu, Li Chuli and so on proposed “the Theory of Revolutionary Literature” in 1928, the new literary paradigm formed not for long at that time has always been challenged by left-wing literary theories. In the Arts Popularization Movement in the 1930s, left-wing literary theorists attempted, by starting from the perspectives of language, philology, literary genres, relation between the writer and the reader, to examine merits and demerits of the new literature with the intention of establishing new proletariat literary paradigm. As far as their thinking paths are concerned, theorists including Qu Qiubai and others might not have shared few similarities with the May 4th intellectuals, except that they are more radical with more extreme advocates. Ranging from establishing an abstract and revolutionary literature, to realizing the Latinization of Chinese characters, and to thoroughly breaking down the barrier between literature and populace, left-wing literary theory manifested an increasingly radical trend. This results from the left-wing intellectuals' efforts to adjust the relation between literature and politics in face of the new historical context. |
Key words: Qu Qiubai; matching between speaking and writing; the Arts Popularization Movement; proletariat literary paradigm |