自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 当代中国法院调解社会化有邀请调解与委托调解两种主要形式,前者将社会力量“请进来”,后者将案件“送出去”。法院调解社会化实践取得了一定成效,但有诸多学理、法律、社会及政治问题亟需反思、回应。邀请调解呈现制度表达与司法实践的背离现象,一个重要表征是运行目的明确性与运行边界模糊性并存。委托调解实践是斑驳、交杂的纠纷解决多元主义的一种体现,尚不构成具有独立品格、独特属性的纠纷解决领域。委托调解实践透露出的加大纠纷解决中的社会力量比重的讯息,有益于司法制度建设。我们既要认识到法院调解社会化实践对超越“审判—调解”结构性困境、发展纠纷解决机制的意义,也要警惕其与现代司法特性、规律之间的张力。
关键词: 邀请调解;委托调解;纠纷解决;多元主义
Socialization of judicial mediation: Practical evaluation and academic reflection
ZENG Lingjian
(Institute for Law Application Study of the Supreme People’s Court, SWUPL, Chongqing 401120, China)
Abstract: Court-assisted mediation and Court-entrusted mediation are the two main forms of judicial mediation socialization in contemporary China. The former refers to inviting in the social forces, and the latter sending out the cases. The practice of socializing judicial mediation has achieved some effects, but there are still many academic, legal, social and political issues that need to be reflected on and responded to. Court-assisted mediation shows the deviation between system expression and judicial practice. One of the important representations is the coexistence of specified operational purpose and fuzzy operational boundary. The practice of court-entrusted mediation embodies the pluralism of the variegated and mixed settlement of disputes, which hence does not constitute the field of dispute resolution with independent character and unique attribute. The practice of court-entrusted mediation reveals that increasing the proportion of social forces in dispute resolution is beneficial to the construction of judicial system. We should not only recognize the significance of the practice of socialization of judicial mediation in transcending the structural dilemma of "trial-mediation" and developing dispute resolution mechanism, but also be alert to the tension between it and the characteristics and laws of modern justice.
Key words: court-assisted mediation; court-entrusted mediation; dispute resolution; pluralism
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