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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 萧立之是晚宋江湖诗人。考辨其诗集和相关文献发现:萧立之幼子仕元;江西宁都萧氏父子应举、仕元等重大决策是世变之际基于家族发展需要作出的理性选择。通行对萧立之仕履经历的叙述颇有错谬,应予修正。萧立之曾入湖南郴州幕,旋知福建长汀县;宋末至京城改官任籍田令,后得通守之缺,未赴任;萧立之诗学李贺、陈师道、黄庭坚,皆肖,又融晚唐、江西于一炉,是晚宋诗坛少数能自成一家者。文学史上萧立之作为遗民诗人的形象省略了诸多有意味的细节,将其一一勾勒,对于清晰认识其人及其诗作的特点,深入理解宋元之际士人的经历和心境,以及了解晚宋诗歌发展进程的复杂性是非常必要的。
关键词: 萧立之;遗民;仕履;江西派;江湖诗人
Truth hidden in details: Textual study on Xiao Lizhi in the late Song Dynasty
XIONG Haiying
(School of Literature, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China)
Abstract: Xiao Lizhi was a wandering poet in the late Song Dynasty. Through textual research on his poetry collections and relevant literature, it is found that important decisions, including Xiao Lizhi's youngest son working for the Yuan Dynasty, Xiao Lizhi and his son taking imperial examinations in Ningdu, Jiangxi province, and serving in courts, were all rational choices based on the needs of the family development at times of drastic changes of the world. There are quite many errors in current narratives about Xiao Lizhi's career experiences, which should be rectified. Xiao once served in Chenzhou Court in Hunan Province, and was also well known in Changting County in Fujian Province. Later, he went to serve in Beijing as census register. In poetry-writing, Xiao learned from Li He, Chen Shidao, Huang Tingjian, and blended poetic characteristics of the late Tang Dynasty and Jiangxi Poetry School to form his own style. Adding and sketching such meaningful details about Xiao's image as an adherent poet as omitted from the literary history, is of great necessity for clearly knowing the man and characteristics of his poems, for comprehending the literati's experience and moods at the time of Song and Yuan Dynasties, and for knowing the complexity of the development process of poetry in the late Song Dynasty.
Key words: Xiao Lizhi; adherent; official career; Jiangxi Poetry School; wandering poet
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