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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 我国不同时期的制度安排形塑了不同的家国关系,而家国关系的变迁对国家治理与家庭发展会产生不同的影响。无论是集体经济时代的“去家庭化”改造,还是市场经济时代的“再家庭化”政策,都未能实现家国关系的良性互动,家庭在公共政策体系中始终未被等量齐观,家庭功能呈现严重弱化趋势,这给国家、家庭以及个人造成不同程度的影响和损害。伴随中国特色社会主义进入新时代,家国关系必然进入新常态,形成相互融合和支持的新型家国关系,从而更好地平衡国家、家庭、个人之间的关系与利益。国家应是家庭事务的分担者和家庭基础福利的提供者,家庭要发挥其在国家治理和建设中的基础调和作用,只有这样才能满足民众福利改善的需求,最终实现国家的和谐稳定和家庭的健康发展。
关键词: 家庭;国家;政策;制度变迁
The review and future trend of the relationship between country and family in institutional transformation
(School of Law and Sociology, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang 471934, China)
Abstract: In the history of our country, institutional arrangements shaped different kinds of relationships between country and family, which in return distinctly affected national governance and development of family. However, there was no good interaction between country and family whether in de-familialization transformation in the era of collective economy, or in re-familialization policy practice in the age of market economy. In other words, family was devaluated in the system of public policies, and functions of families tended to be more and more severely weakened, which consequently brought about different degrees of influence on and harm to .the country, family and individual. As socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era, the relationship between country and family must inevitably step into the new normal, and thereof form a new type of relation between the two with mutual integration and support so as to better balance the relation and interests among the country, family and individual. In the new model, the country should be the partaker of family affairs, as well as the supplier of family-based welfare, and family ought to perform its basic harmonizing role in national governance and construction. Only in this way, can our country meet citizens' needs of improving welfare, and finally achieve the harmonious stability of the country as well as healthy development of the family.
Key words: family; nation; policy; institutional transformation
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