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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 执行受理之允许性要件有两种类型:一类是可以直接形式化确认的要件,如诉讼能力、文书生效、当事人名称、有给付内容等;另一类是需经调查证明的兼具实体内容之要件,如继受执行之当事人适格、执行条件成就、对待给付或不确定期限届至。后者在程序规范上尚处于缺失状态,前者在特定条件下也会产生适用困难而需要解释。因此在立案登记制下,除需完善执行受理的要件体系外,还应当通过审查分担实现程序分流,将可以形式化确认的要件由立案庭进行立案审查,而在涉及解释和调查必要与可能的情形时提交执行裁决法官进一步审查,并适度充实后者的手段,以明晰并改进当前各审查阶段的关系。
关键词: 执行要件;执行裁决;审执分离;执行合法性;执行力
On requirements for civil enforcement in China
MA Jiaxi
(School of Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China)
Abstract: There are two types of requirements for civil enforcement. One is to be formally confirmed, such as litigation ability, document effectiveness, party name, clear content of performance, and so on. And the other is material content which needs to be investigated, such as succession of the parties involved, conditions of enforcement, or indefinite time limits for the enforcement,. Nevertheless, the latter has not yet been regulated by the law, while the former will also bring about difficulties in its application under certain conditions and need further explanation and investigation. Therefore, under the registration system of civil enforcement filing, we ought to, in addition to systematizing requirements, realize the procedure distribution via investigation, review direct elements of formal confirmation via case-filing chamber, to submit to the rule for execution only those requirements which involve further explanation and investigation, substantiate moderately the latter's measures, and clarify and improve the current phases of the investigation.
Key words: requirements for civil enforcement; rule for execution; separation of trial and execution; admissibility of execution; enforcing ability
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