文章编号:1672-3104(2019)02-0021-07 |
论阿瑟对马克思价值形式的辩证法的重构 |
谢家新 |
(复旦大学哲学学院,上海,200433) |
摘 要: 阿瑟不满意传统马克思主义对马克思价值形式的辩证法的消极的形式主义的阐释路径,而试图通过激活黑格尔体系辩证法和价值形式理论的思想资源来重构马克思价值形式的辩证法。这一重构的具体路径是借助黑格尔的逻辑学来解读马克思的《资本论》。阿瑟对马克思价值形式的辩证法的重构,更新了《资本论》研究的传统范式,践行了经典理论家们所强调的黑格尔逻辑学之于马克思《资本论》的重要意义;但反观这一重构,它却摒弃了马克思辩证法的历史性维度,从而导致其同样陷入空洞的形式主义深渊。 |
关键词: 阿瑟;价值形式的辩证法;重构;《资本论》;逻辑学 |
On Arthur’s reconstruction of Marx’s dialectics of value form |
XIE Jiaxin |
(School of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China) |
Abstract: Arthur is not satisfied with the negative formalism of interpretation of Marx's dialectics of value form by the approach of traditional Marxism, and tries to reconstruct Marx’s dialectics of value form by activating the ideological resources of Hegel’s systematic dialectics and the theory of value form. The concrete path of this reconstruction is to interpret Marx’s Capital with the help of Hegel's logic. On the one hand, Arthur updates the traditional paradigm of the study of Capital, practising the important significance of Hegel’s logic in Marx Capital stressed by the classical writers. But on the other hand, this reconstruction abandons the historical dimension of Marx’s dialectics, hence bringing about its falling into the abyss of empty formalism. |
Key words: Arthur; the dialectic of value form; reconstruction; Capital; logic |