自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 众筹不仅可以作为便捷的融资渠道,也是一种有效的营销途径。为了研究众筹的营销效果,基于AISAS营销模型和价值共创理论构建了一个AR模型,收集京东众筹平台上202个项目的面板数据并进行实证分析。结果表明,初始营销效果、自然衰减趋势和价值共创行为影响项目的营销效果;项目前期具有更明显的自然衰减趋势和价值共创放大作用;科技类项目的初始营销效果较大、衰减趋势较小,而非科技类项目价值共创行为的放大作用更大;成功项目比失败项目具有更大的初始营销效果和价值共创放大作用。从营销的视角研究众筹,结果对众筹项目发起方有一定的管理启示。
关键词: 营销效果;AISAS模型;价值共创;众筹
Research on dynamic marketing effects of crowdfunding projects based on AISAS behavior model
ZENG Jianghong, HUANG Xiangrong, CHEN Ye
(School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Crowdfunding can not only act as a convenient financing channel, but is also an effective way of marketing. In order to study the marketing effects of crowdfunding, an AR model was built based on the AISAS marketing model and value co-creation theory, then the pannel data of 202 projects on JingDong crowdfunding platform was collected and analyzed through empirical study. The results show that the initial marketing effect, a trend of natural attenuation and value co-creation behavior all influence the marketing effect of the projects. At the early stage of crowdfunding, there were more obvious natural attenuation trend and value co-creation amplification; science and technology projects had a bigger initial marketing effect and a smaller attenuation trend, while other projects showed a larger amplification; successful projects had a bigger initial marketing effect and value co-creation amplification than those that fail. The present essay studied crowdfunding from the perspective of marketing, and its conclusions can offer some management implications for the project initiators.
Key words: marketing effect; AISAS model; value co-creation; crowdfunding
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