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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 检诸词史,词之修择实践几乎与词史发展同步。修择是为了减少初稿存在的问题,提升词作的质量。宋人即多有以律改词、以意改词之例,形式上也有自改与他改之别。宋末张炎从理论上强调了修择在填词创作中的重要作用。清末改词几成风尚,况周颐等人则在修择观念和方法上丰富和完善了词之修择观,在正律、改字、改句、改句段的基础上,进一步就换意和提升词境、格调等问题作了颇为全面的阐述。作为词体创作论的一部分,词之修择观与文学经典的形成息息相关,兼具理论和实践价值。
关键词: 词;修择;况周颐
On the alternative viewpoint of Ci
PENG Yuping
(Department of Literature, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China)
Abstract: Investigating the history of all sorts of Ci, the alternative practice of Ci has been developing almost hand in hand with its history. The alternative is to reduce problems in the first draft and to boost the quality of diction in the writing. Writers in the Song Dynasty tended to modify Ci from the viewpoint of its meter or of its meaning. And forms of modification were divided into modification by the self or that by others. Zhang Yan at the end of the Song Dynasty theoretically emphasized the importance of the alternative in Ci-filling creation. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, it had almost become a fashion to modify Ci, and writers such as Kuang Zhouyi enriched and perfected the alternative viewpoint of Ci both in concept and methodology, and on the basis of adjusting meter, modifying Ci, sentences and paragraphs, went further to interpret comprehensively such problems as alternating meanings, enhancing the context of Ci and its style. As a part of genre-writing of Ci, the alternative viewpoint of Ci was closely related with literary classics, bearing both theoretical and practice value.
Key words: Ci; alternative viewpoint; Kuang Zhouyi
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