自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 女性身份构建是中美女性主义成长小说的内容核心和叙事重点,在《饥饿的女儿》《紫色》中体现为边缘人的声音。《饥饿的女儿》强调女主人公生理、精神、性爱层面的郁结,这与《紫色》强调黑人女性被困于种族、性别、阶级而无法抒发自我的困境是相似的。两部小说均采用饥饿叙事构建出边缘人身份,但不局限于单纯地还原或呈现。在此基础上,两部小说通过女性欲望言说和个人生态诉求解构旧有身份的同时塑造新的文化认同,以此达到边缘人发声的目的。在女性主义风靡的当下,从比较文学影响研究和平行研究的角度重读这两部小说,有助于了解特定背景下女性尤其是边缘女性的真实需求、复杂经历和自我认知。
关键词: 《饥饿的女儿》;《紫色》;欲望;身份构建;女性主义文学
The voice of marginal people: female identity construction in Daughter of the River and The Color Purple
YAO XI, XIANG Lianyuan
(Research Institute of Modern Chinese Poetry, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
Abstract: Female identity construction has been the core of narration in Chinese and American feminist bildungsroman, represented as the voice of marginal people in Hong Ying’s novel Daughter of The River and Walker’s The Color Purple. Daughter of The River emphasizes the heroine’s painful experience in body, spirit, sexual desire, and emotion, which corresponds with the dilemma in The Color Purple that shows black women are forbidden to express for themselves because of the pressure from gender, race, and class. Both novels construct marginal identity through starvation narration, which is different from mere mimesis or presentation. Based on previous narration, the novels also deconstruct old identities and create new cultural identities through female desire expression and individual pursuit of eco-friendliness. In this way, the voice of marginal people is uttered. Nowadays when feminism is at its heyday, reading the two novels from a comparative and parallel perspective will help understand the real need, the complicated experience and self-identity of the women, especially the marginal women under particular circumstance.
Key words: Daughter of The River; The Color Purple; desire; identity construction; feminist literature
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