自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 女性通俗小说批评以序跋创作为主体,于清嘉庆年间开始出现,至咸丰年间发展成熟。围绕《红楼梦》及受其影响产生的相关续书、仿作,出现了多篇序跋。女性小说序跋作者关注描写才女生活的通俗小说,多以诗、词、骈文形式撰写序跋,目的是为展现才学、塑造自我形象。不过在此过程中,她们也逐渐生成了严肃的批评态度,并且不自觉地开始对女性从事文学批评的正当性、小说批评理论等问题展开思考。此外,女性通俗小说序跋中性别意识的隐与显,体现出她们在较为狭窄的表达空间下,试图融入文学创作传统的努力,因此有着不可忽视的价值和意义。
关键词: 《红楼梦》;通俗小说;序跋;女性文人;女性意识
The relationship between Dream of Red Mansion and the rise of critical awareness of female popular novels
LIU Xuan
(School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)
Abstract: Criticism at female popular novels, often taking their prefaces and postscripts as principal part, began to rise in Jiaqing period, and matured in Xianfeng period. And about Dream of Red Mansion and relative sequels and replication under its influence, there appeared seven prefaces and postscripts. The writers of these prefaces and postscripts preferred to read popular novels describing the life of talented women, and to write in forms of poetry, Ci and rhythmical prose, aiming to uncover their talents and characterize their self image. But, in such process, these women writers gradually formed a serious critical attitude, and began to think unconsciously about some critical theories. Moreover, the manifestation and implication of the gender awareness in these female popular novels disclose that these women writers, in their narrow expressive space, attempt to fuse into the tradition of literary creation dominated by men. This is of non-negligible value and significance.
Key words: Dream of Red Mansion; popular novels; prefaces and postscripts, women writers; women consciousness
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