自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 地方病是贫困地区致贫的一大根源,有效治理地方病型贫困是实现精准脱贫目标过程中不可回避的责任。在贫困恶性循环理论的基础上,通过构建地方病型贫困的双向恶性循环模型,深入分析地方病型贫困生成的供给与需求逻辑。在贫困地区的自我脱贫与发展能力欠缺的现实背景下,对地方病型贫困治理提出了供给与需求两方面的制度要求。供给性制度障碍与需求性制度障碍都严重制约着地方病型贫困的有效治理。前者包括不完善的地方病型贫困脱贫制度和较弱的政府治理能力,后者表现为居民守旧的生活习惯和落后的思想观念。应通过加大地方病型贫困治理制度的供给力度,提升地方病型贫困治理能力的供给水平,重塑地方病型贫困群体的脱贫需求,优化地方病型贫困的治理效果,助力农村贫困人口实现脱贫,进一步促进全面小康社会的建成。
关键词: 地方病型贫困;贫困治理;贫困双向恶性循环;供给性制度障碍;需求性制度障碍
Governance of endemic disease type poverty: Based on the poverty two-way vicious cycle model
XU Yuanyuan, LIU Junqi
(School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha, 410083)
Abstract: Endemic diseases are a major source of poverty in poor areas. Effective governance of endemic disease type poverty is an unavoidable responsibility for achieving the goal of targeted poverty alleviation. The present essay, based on vicious circle of poverty, analyzes the generation logic of supply and demand for endemic disease type poverty by constructing the two-way vicious cycle model of endemic disease type poverty. In the realistic context of lacking self-reducing poverty and self-development capacity in poverty areas, institutional requirements for both supply and demand for governance of endemic poverty are demanded. Institutional obstacles in both supply and demand are seriously restricting the effective management of endemic disease type poverty. The former include imperfect poverty alleviation system and weak governance capacity, while the latter include residents’ out-of-date living habits and backward ideas. It is necessary to improve the effectiveness of poverty governance in terms of increasing the supply of endemic disease type poverty governance systems, enhancing the supply level of endemic disease type poverty governance capacity and remodeling the poverty-reducing demand of the poor people caused by endemic disease. These optimization measures can help the rural poor achieve poverty alleviation and further promote the completion of a moderately prosperous society in all aspects.
Key words: endemic disease type poverty; poverty governance; poverty two-way vicious cycle; supply institutional obstacles; demand institutional obstacles
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