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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 尽管公职人员的犯罪、违法、违纪乃至不道德行为,都属于监察的范围,但适用留置需以“贪腐渎职”来划分监察机关与侦查机关查办犯罪案件的权限,因而“贪腐渎职”是适用留置的前提条件。“涉嫌犯罪”作为留置适用的决定性条件,是区分针对不同性质的监察案件采取不同类型的监察调查措施的核心因素。“涉嫌犯罪”包括与职务有关行为的危害程度已经涉嫌犯罪以及相关的证据或者线索可以证明或者指向涉嫌犯罪的事实两个方面。“逃避追责”是留置适用的选择性条件,是区分针对不同类型的被调查人采取不同类型的监察调查措施的主要依据,其目的在于在保证案件调查得以顺利进行的同时,能够使被调查人的人权得到最大化的保障。
关键词: 监察留置;贪腐渎职;涉嫌犯罪;逃避追责
On requirements of detention of supervisory commission’s cases
WANG Feiyue
(School of Politics and Law, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China)
Abstract: All public officials are within the range of being supervised if they break the law or the regulations or the moral norms, but application of detention should take embezzlement and bribery or dereliction of duty as the distinction for supervisory organs and investigation organs in dealing with the cases. This means that embezzlement and bribery or dereliction of duty should be the prerequisite for applying detention. Suspected crimes should be the decisive condition of detention, functioning as the core factor in distinguishing and adopting different supervision and investigation measures according to investigation cases of different nature. Such crimes include both those actions related to a certain position whose harm has been involved in committing crimes, and those relevant evidences or clues which can testify or directly refer to the fact of suspected crimes. Escape of responsibility is the alternative condition for detention, functioning as a major basis in distinguishing and adopting different types of investigation measures according to different types of the persons investigated, aiming to ensure that the human rights of the investigated can be protected to the utmost, and at the same time to ensure that the investigation of the cases can proceed smoothly.
Key words: detention; involvement in crimes of embezzlement and bribery or crimes of dereliction of duty; suspected of a crime(or crimes); escape of responsibility
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