自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 崇祯元年至八年(1628—1634),张溥(1602—1641)等编订时文选本《国表》,先后推出四集,连同《国表小品》,构成《国表》系列书籍。无论是从选录的人数、篇数来看,还是从传播的广度、深度来看,这一系列书籍都足以作为士子“社稿”的典范,引导我们走进明末士子时文选评和声名传播的历史现场,审视他们的文化活动与文化风貌。深入考察张溥等《国表》系列书籍的选评者、选评标准与传播效应的基本特征,从一个方面展现了明末士子的时文选评活动及其社会文化功能。
关键词: 时文;士子;选本;复社;张溥
Selections of commentaries on fashionable prose and the dissemination of their reputation in late Ming literati: A case study on the book series of Guobiao edited by Zhang Pu and others
GUO Yingde
(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875)
Abstract: From 1628 to 1634, Zhang Pu (1602-1641) and others edited Guobiao, a selection of fashionable articles at that time, and successively published four series, which constituted a book series of Guobiao together with Guobiaoxiaopin. The book series, either in the number of authors and articles chosen and covered, or in the width and depth of the dissemination, served as a paradigm of the literati’s “shegao (fashionable prose written in a particular literary society),” guiding us to enter the historical site of the late Ming literati’s selections of and commentaries on fashionable prose and the dissemination of their reputation, and to investigate their cultural activities and styles. By exploring the basic features of the selectors and commentators, the criteria of selections, and the effects of dissemination of the book series of Guobiao edited by Zhang Pu and others, the present essay demonstrates from one aspect the late Ming literati’s activities of selecting and commenting on fashionable prose, as well as their social and cultural functions.
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