自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 作为最受中国古代画家青睐的诗意图题材之一,取材于苏轼赤壁文学的赤壁图为探讨古代诗画关系提供了一个经典案例,一直以来颇受艺术史研究者关注,然而其文学价值与文化意义却鲜有论及。历代赤壁图的创作者通过场景选择与艺术转换,精心构筑了新的视觉阐释空间,延展了苏轼赤壁文学的思想意蕴。在图像内部,画家通过再现苏轼与客、苏轼与赤壁、苏轼与孤鹤的三重对话关系,完成了对文本的阐释与再创造。在图像外围,文字题咏与赤壁图之间具有相互映衬、相互补充的紧密关系。以赤壁图为物质载体,题画者、画家与苏轼之间展开了一场跨越时空的精神对话,对这一层对话关系的解读剖析,有助于重新审视苏轼及其文学对后世的深远影响。
关键词: 赤壁图;苏轼;赤壁文学;对话;意蕴
Text and image: Dialogues and multiple connotations in the painting of “The Red Cliff”
CHEN Linlin
(Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
Abstract: As one of the most popular subject matters of poetic paintings, “The Red Cliff” offers a unique perspective to explore the relationships between image and text in traditional China. Previous studies focus primarily on the artistic features within the painting of “The Red Cliff”, while research on its literary value and cultural meaning has been somewhat lacking. Painters masterly transformed the literary texts into visual images, and thus amplified and extended the literary meaning of Su Shi’s works in their own ways. Within the pictures of “The Red Cliff”, there are multi-level dialogues between Su Shi, the “Guest”, the Red Cliff, and the lone crane. Beyond the images, literary inscriptions and colophons also reflect how different artists interpreted the multiple connotations of Su Shi’s works. In other words, “The Red Cliff” serves as a material medium that links the inscription writers, the painters and Su Shi together across time and space. From this perspective, the present essay reconsiders Su Shi’s great impact on later generations throughout Chinese history.
Key words: “The Red Cliff”; Su Shi; “Prose-poems on the Red Cliff”; dialogue; connotation
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