自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(武汉大学政治与公共管理学院,湖北武汉 430072)
摘  要: 环境治理缘何引发环境抗争?以环境问题为基础的“侵权-抗争”的分析框架无法囊括“治理-抗争”的现实问题。“政企合谋-草根动员”的分析框架成为解读环境抗争事件的新尝试。研究发现,政企合谋的目标是降低环境治理的成本,其形式是塑造项目运作过程中的庇护关系,结果则是环境治理的失效,引发环境抗争;草根动员的目标是突破相对剥夺感得到公平对待,其形式体现为基于政策性依据的抗争性话语与关系网络建构,结果则是各利益主体的强势地位和弱势地位发生置换,乡村社会权力结构得以重塑。避免环境抗争事件的发生还是要归结于环境治理绩效的提升。由此,政府和企业应分别承担起环境治理的公共责任与社会责任。
关键词: 政企合谋;草根动员;环境抗争;环境治理
Government-enterprise collusion, grassroots mobilization and environmental protest: Taking D village in L town of Hebei as an example
HAN Ruibo, YE Juanli
(School of Political Science and Public Administration, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China)
Abstract: Why does environmental governance cause environmental resistance? The "infringement-resistance" analysis framework based on environmental problems cannot include the practical problems of "governance-resistance". The analytical framework of "government-enterprise collusion and grassroots mobilization" has become a new attempt to interpret environmental protests. The study found that the goal of government-enterprise collusion is to reduce the cost of environmental governance by shaping the patron-client in the operation of the project. As a result, the failure of environmental governance leads to environmental protest. The goal of grassroots mobilization is to break through the relative deprivation and achieve fairness. Its form is reflected in the policy-based protestant discourse and relationship network construction. Its result is the replacement of the strong and weak positions of all the interest subjects and the formation of different protest outcomes. The avoidance of environmental protests is still due to the improvement of environmental governance performance. Therefore, both the government and enterprises should respectively assume the public responsibility and social responsibility for environmental governance.
Key words: government-enterprise collusion; grassroots mobilization; environmental protest; environmental governance
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