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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 沈从文的创作历程呈现出三个阶段性的分野,包含着两次转换:其早期创作具有明显的自我抒写性质,成熟期创作重在人性抒写;后期创作出现“向内转”的倾向,具有“抽象的抒情”性质和更多神性抒写的成分。沈从文由自我抒写到人性抒写的转换是一次具有跨越性意义的成功转换,而由人性抒写到神性抒写的转换,由于多种因素的综合性影响则出现内在的危机,在一定程度上显露出其艺术创造力的衰竭,最终导致沈从文由文学创作转向文物研究。从沈从文创作的三个阶段和两次转换中,不仅可以把握到沈从文创作的心路历程与精神走向,而且可以从中把握到沈从文“人性美学”的演变轨迹及其创作独特性的基本内涵。
关键词: 沈从文;自我抒写;人性抒写;神性抒写
Two transformations of Shencong Wen’s writing career
WU Touwen
(School of Humanities, Hunan Uniersity of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China)
Abstract:  Shencong Wen’s writing career can be divided into three stages, which includes two tansformations: At the first stage, it can be found in his works a kind of self-expression and self-discription, and at the second stage, or the mature one, his attention has been diverted into discribing human nature. When the third stage comes, Shencong Wen’s works have a spiritual tendency, which is an “abstract expression”, including the discription of divine nature. The first tansformation, from self-discription to discribing the truth of human nature, is absolutely a successful one and has exerted great influence on his later writing. But at the second stage, that is, with the discription of human nature to the discription of divine nature, due to the complicated influences of some facts, had an inner dangerous situation existing, at some levels, resulted in the exhaustion of his creative writing, and eventually had diverted into studying the antique. Judging from the three stages and two transformations of Shencong Wen’s writing career, we can not only know his way of thinking and his spiritual tendency, but also understand the way in which “human aesthetics” transformed and the basic meaning of his characteristic writing displayed.
Key words:  Shencong Wen; self-expression; discription of human nature; discription of divine nature
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