文章编号:1672-3104(2009)02−0210−06 |
我国单位犯罪研究30年的回顾与反思 |
杨国章 |
(浙江省人民检察院,浙江杭州,310012) |
摘 要: 我国单位犯罪刑事立法的政策和功利性,决定了相关理论研究的现实性,但理论研究固有的价值和使命决定了它可以超越实践。建立在不同基础之上的理论研究的功能价值应该有所区别。从我国的刑法基础和单位犯罪的立法演进看,自然人犯罪是追究单位刑事责任的基础,以此为基点的理论研究立足于现实,对实践具有较强的指导意义。 |
关键词: 单位犯罪;自然人犯罪;单位自身刑事责任理论 |
Retrospect and review on 30-year’s research of Unit Crime |
YANG Guozhang |
(People’s Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310012, China) |
Abstract: Although the policies and nature of utility adopted by the criminal legislation concerning unit crime determine the actuality of the relevant theoretical research, the inherent value and mission of theoretical research make it possible to top the practice. The functional value of theoretical researches on different basis should be different. From the perspective of criminal foundation and legislative progress on unit crime, it is natural person’s offence that constitutes the foundation for imposing criminal liability on unit. Based on this point, the research stands its foot on the reality and has essential instructional significance in practice. |
Key words: Unit Crime; natural person’s offence; theory of criminal liability on unit |