自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 武汉大学政治与公共管理学院,湖北武汉,430072;
2. 中央司法警官学院管理系,河北保定,071000)
摘  要: 改革开放40年来,文化建设在国家现代化战略布局中的地位已经发生了明显变化,逐渐转变成为国家政策执行领域的优先任务。通过对国务院历年公开政策文本的分析可知,文化建设在国家现代化发展战略中的定位经历了多维度的转换:在公共政策执行领域,文化建设的地位经历了从“边缘”到“中心”的转变;就政策目标的视角看,文化建设经历了从组织结构调整到全面文化建设的转变;从文化功能的定位分析,文化建设经历了从辅助性社会资本到国家现代化发展战略的核心组成部分的转变;在中央政策主导者的心理层面,文化建设经历了从“谨慎”到“自信”的转变。从这些转变趋势可以预见,未来文化建设的核心地位将进一步强化,有可能成为国家现代化建设的优先任务;以社会主义意识形态为核心的宣传思想工作将成为国家文化建设的核心内容;网络文化管理也将成为国家政策关注的重点方向。
关键词: 文化建设定位;五年计划;文化自信; 文化软实力; 政策文本
The change of state cultural development positioning for the past 40 Years of reform and opening-up and its future development prospect: An analysis based on policy texts of the State Council
GUO Yuanyuan1,2, CHEN Shixiang1
(1. School of Political Science and Administration, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China;
2. School of Law, The National Police University for Criminal Justice, Baoding 071000, China)
Abstract: For the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, the strategic positioning of cultural development has undergone dramatic change and become the priority of policy implementation. Through the analysis of open policy texts of the State Council, we can find that, the strategic positioning of cultural development in the overall layout of socialism with the Chinese characteristics, have changed dramatically from multi-aspects. On the significance in policy implementation, it has changed from “periphery” to ‘“core.” Regarding the policy objective, it has changed from organizational structure adjustment to comprehensive cultural development. Pertaining to the cultural function, it has changed from supporting social capital to the core of national soft power As to the psychological cognition of policymakers in the central Party and government authorities, it has changed from discretion to self-confidence. We can predict that the status of culture construction will be reinforced further and even become the top priority of modernization construction, that the propaganda and ideological work based on socialism ideology will become the core of culture construction, and that network culture management will also become the major direction of national culture policy.
Key words: cultural development positioning; five-year plan; cultural confidence; cultural soft power; policy text
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