自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 村规民约的生成土壤和作用空间虽发生变化,但其继续存在及其适应性改变对于形成更加有序的乡村社会秩序而言仍然具有现实意义。文章在透视村规民约发展现实困境的基础之上,通过对代表性村庄社区的调研分析,进一步探讨当代村规民约转型重塑亟待解决的关键问题与有效经验。在人口流动加快、信息交换愈发频繁的背景之下,村民利益诉求更趋多元,村规民约制定合意成本上升、违规成本下降、自身不足凸显。村规民约重塑应以满足村民共性需求为导向,通过塑造共同经历建立信任关系;与基层自治治理结构相结合,增强基层自治组织制度供给能力;在新兴传播工具辅助下重构舆论环境,构建村规民约新型作用机制。
关键词: 乡村治理;村规民约;发展困境;重塑路径
Realistic predicament and reshaping path of the development of village regulations in the context of rural governance
PENG Zhongyi, RAN Min
(School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: The forming soil and functional space of village regulations have changed a lot, but their continual existence and adaptive change are still of realistic significance for forming better rural social order. The present essay, based on penetrating the realistic predicament of the development of rural regulations, further explores some key problems and effective experiences in transforming and reconstructing rural regulations by investigating and analyzing some representative rural communities. In the context of faster migration and more frequent information exchange, the appeals about villagers’ interest tend to be diversified, acceptable cost in stipulating rural regulations goes up, the cost of violating rules comes down, and self-deficiency becomes highlighted. Reshaping rural regulations should be oriented by meeting the common needs of the villagers so as to establish trust relation by undertaking common experiences, by combining with grassroots self-governance structure, enhance the supply capacity of the grassroots self-governmentng organization system, reconstruct communication environment with the aid of new communication tools, and build a new type of mechanism for rural regulations.
Key words: rural governance; village regulations; developing predicament; reshape path
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