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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 自建国伊始,朝鲜王朝为解决政权合法性之不足,将事大尊明作为立国之基,全盘移植并适用《大明律》。由于本国司法官员律学水平不高,对《大明律》的理解有限,朝鲜人决定从中国输入各种律学著作以明律意,并赋予它们法律效力,使律学著作的输入具有了法律移植的特性。即是说,明代律学著作的输入,是推动半岛法制“华化”的重要手段。从世宗到中宗的近百年间,每一阶段,都会输入一两部有代表性的律学著作,与当时的“华化”进程呈正相关关系,形成了一个解释各个版本《大明律》之完整的律学著作的序列。然而,律学著作的实践性使其受到了土俗因素的阻滞,而随着半岛文化的发展,意识形态动力亦处于不断衰减的过程之中,半岛法制的“华化”进程遂呈现出停滞状态,律学著作的历史使命亦告终结。
关键词: 朝鲜王朝;《大明律》; 华化
The import of the law works and the Huahua process of Joseon Dynasty
ZHANG Chunhai
(School of Law, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China)
Abstract: Since the beginning of its founding, the Joseon Dynasty transplanted and applied the Ming Dynasty law to solve the problem that its regime lacked legitimacy, respecting the Ming as the foundation of the country. Considering the low level of its lawyers and their limited understanding of law in the Ming Dynasty, Koreans decided to import various works of law from China to give them legal effect and applied them to the judiciary so that the import of the law works had the characteristics of legal transplantation. That is, the import of the law works of the Ming Dynasty was the important measure to promote the Huahua process in Korean Peninsula legal system. In early one hundred years from Sejong to Zhongzong, the government imported one or two representative Ming Dynasty works each stage, which correlated positively with “Huahua” process. In the tide of “Huahua,” many works of the Ming Dynasty were imported into the Korean peninsula, gradually diffusing with the tide, wave after wave, and forming a complete serial of law works which could interpret various versions of the Ming Dynasty law. However, the practicality of jurisprudence was blocked by the vulgar factors in the society and the culture of the peninsula. And along with the development of the peninsula culture, the ideology power was also in the process of decaying. Under the combined effect of these factors, the “Huahua” process of the peninsula legal system presented a state of stagnation, and the historical mission of the law works came to an end.
Key words: the Joseon Dynasty; Ming Dynasty law; Huahua
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