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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 随着公民权利意识的不断增强和参与行政活动的积极性不断高涨,由公民投诉举报引发的诸多问题开始不断困扰着行政复议工作者和司法裁判者。公益性投诉举报人能否以其投诉举报权或公共利益受侵害为由提起行政诉讼,是目前最具争议的问题。公民是否享有投诉举报权及所诉行政行为的种类差异直接影响此类案件可否纳入司法监督体系。对行政机关不予答复等不作为不服的,公益性投诉举报人须享有法律规范明确赋予的投诉举报权才具备原告资格,此种情形下的行政不作为属于行政诉讼受案范围;对行政机关答复内容不服的,无论是否享有明确的投诉举报权,都因与处理结果不具有利害关系而不具备原告资格,除非答复内容侵害了其享有的法定获得奖励权。
关键词: 投诉举报;主观诉讼;受案范围;原告资格
On the litigation relief of administrative cases in public interest complaints
HUANG Xianxiong, PI Dandan
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: With the increasing awareness of civil rights and the increasing enthusiasm of participation in administrative activities, many problems caused by citizen complaints have begun to emerge and have plagued reconsideration administrators and judicial judges. And it is the most controversial issue at present whether the public interest complaint informants can bring an administrative litigation on the grounds of violating the right of complaint and report by the administrative organ or infringement of the public interest. Whether citizens are entitled to complaints and reports and how different such administrative acts in litigation are directly influence whether such administrative cases of public interest complaints can be included in the judicial supervision system. If public complaint informants do not reply to the administrative organs’ acts of omission, they have the plaintiff qualification when they enjoy the right to report and complain that legal norms clearly entitle them to. In this case, the administrative omission belongs to the scope of administrative litigation. Those who are dissatisfied with the contents of the reply by the executive authorities, whether or not they have the right to report clearly, are not qualified for the processing results, unless the content of the reply violates the legal right to receive the reward.
Key words: complaint and report; subjective litigation; scope of accepting cases; plaintiff qualifications
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