文章编号:1672-3104(2017)03-0049-06 |
以审判为中心改革下的检察运行机制转型 |
卢乐云1,2,曾亚1 |
(1. 湖南大学法学院,湖南长沙,410082;2. 湖南省人民检察院,湖南长沙,410001) |
摘 要: 以审判为中心的诉讼制度改革关键在实现庭审实质化。检察机关作为以审判为中心诉讼制度改革重要的参与者、推进者,应发挥诉前主导作用,加强审前过滤,强化庭审指控,完善诉讼监督,推动案件繁简分流,推进检察运行机制从捕诉分立向捕诉合一、从三级审批向扁平化运行、从出庭宣读式指控向当庭指证质证、从单纯庭上对抗向庭前诉辩沟通、从单一式审判监督向类型化审判监督等方面转型。 |
关键词: 以审判为中心;检察工作;庭审实质化;认罪认罚从宽 |
The transformation of prosecutorial operating mechanism under the trial-centered reform |
LU Leyun1, 2, ZENG Ya1 |
(1. Law School, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;
2. Hunan Provincial People’s Procuratorate, Changsha 410001, China) |
Abstract: The key to the trial-centered reformation of litigation system is to realize the substantiation of court hearing. As an important participant and facilitator of the reform, the procuratorate should update judicial principles, play the key role in the pre-trial procedure, examine the cases actively, make the charges effectively, supervise the judges more comprehensively, and streamline legal proceedings by sorting between complex and simple legal cases. The procuratorate should transform operating mechanism from dividing the Departments of Reviewing & Approving Arrest and the Department of Reviewing Charges to combining the two of Departments, from three-layer examination system to putting flat management, from charging by presentation to testifying in court, from confronting in court to communicating in the pre-trial procedure between the accuser and the defender, from single trail supervising mode to classifying the trail supervising mode. |
Key words: trial-centered doctrine; procuratorate; the substantiation of court hearing; plea bargain |