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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 辛德勇先生新近撰文指出,司马光采录王俭的《汉武故事》刻意建构了符合其政治需要的武帝形象,《资治通鉴》对武帝末年史事的记载并不可信,田余庆等前辈学者因盲从《通鉴》得出了汉武帝晚年存在政治转向的错误结论。辛先生文中存在不少史料误读现象,其结论不能成立:一是武帝末年的政治转向体现在悔过、劝农、休兵等一系列见诸《盐铁论》《汉书》的实际行动里,《通鉴》叙事与上述原始史料高度吻合,不存在重构现象;二是遍检《通鉴》全书,叙事绝不采《汉武故事》,温公仅将其作为史料异文和批判对象列入《考异》,原书俱在,不容置疑;三是历史阐释不等于历史重构,《通鉴》之叙事、议论仅是对公认史实不同视角的历史观察,司马光没有也不可能重构历史;四是《汉武故事》作者、年代迄无定论,辛文以刘宋比附西汉系悬拟之辞。
关键词: 《资治通鉴》;司马光;《汉武故事》;汉武帝;政治取向;轮台诏
A discussion with Mr. Xin on the issue that Sima Guang reconstructed the political intentions in the late years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty
LI Hao
(School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)
Abstract: Mr. Xin, in his latest research, points out that the policy shift in the late years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is non-excised and that Sima Guang adopted a fictional story by Wang Jian with the purpose of molding Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty into his ideal image, which misled many scholars. But there are some misreadings in Mr. Xin’s article and his conclusion is not standing. Here are the arguments. Firstly, lots of actions of policy shift in the late years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty are manifested in the Debates on Salt and Iron and the Book of Han, and the narratives in the Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government go in line with the above historical documents. Secondly, if we read the Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government carefully, we will never reach a conclusion that Sima Guang adopted a fictional story called the Story of Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty because it is cited as historical documents and no one can deny it as the book exists there. Thirdly, historical interpretation is not the equivalent of historical reconstruction, the narration and comments in the Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government are simply a history review of true history under a particular perspective, and Si Maguang does not and cannot reconstruct history. Last but not the least, the editor and the publishing year of the Story of Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty are controversial, and it is worthless to compare Wang Jian’s Dynasty with the late years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.
Key words: the Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government; Sima Guang; the story of Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty; Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty; political orientation; the edict of Luntai
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