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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: “近圣人之居若此其甚也”,孟子以其所居邹地与孔子故里鲁地相近而感到庆幸、自豪,并以此之优势奉孔子之道而行之,此为中华民族近圣文化心理之源头。建炎三年,孔子四十八世嫡长孙、衍圣公孔端友率族人扈跸南渡,赐家衢州,是为“南宗”。“近圣人之居”遂从山东曲阜“位移”到浙江衢州,由狭隘的地理距离相近发展为以亲睹圣孙、亲谒家庙、亲知南宗文化为主要内容的与孔子思想文化的相近相亲。这催化了近圣文化心理的发展,表现出显著的泛化、虚拟化、象征化的趋势。但不论其表现形式如何变化,自觉传承发展孔子思想文化的内核始终如一。孔氏南宗深刻影响了我国近圣文化心理发展,为孔子思想文化的传承发展激发、创造了更加强大的文化心理动能。
关键词: 孔氏南宗;近圣人之居;近圣文化心理
The psychological development of the south sect of Confucianism and the Near-Saint Culture
ZHOU Jihuan, TONG Xiangang
(College of Teacher Education, Quzhou University, Quzhou 324000, China)
Abstract: Believing that it is lucky to live near the Saint, Meng Zi was proud of living close to Confucius’ hometown Lu, and took such advantage to follow Confucius’ way. This is the origin of the Chinese Near-Saint Culture. In Jianyan three years (AD 1129), Confucius’ grandson of 48th generation (Kong Duanyou) moved southward to Quzhou, the south sect of Confucianism. This political event led to a significant cultural event that the Near-Saint Residence was transferred from Qufu, Shandong to Quzhou, Zhejiang. Hence, the Near-Staint Culture has developed from the narrow concept of the close in geographical distance to the close in thoughts and culture, the main contents of which consist of seeing the Saint’s Grandson, visiting the family temple and understanding the south sect of Confucian culture. The development of the Near-Saint Culture psychology revealed an obvious trend of generalization, virtualization and symbolization. But, no matter how the forms change, the kernel of inheriting and developing Confucius’ thoughts and culture will always stay the same. The south sect of Confucianism exerts a deep influence on the Near-Saint Culture, and also creates a more powerful cultural and psychological motivation to the heritage and development of Confucius’ thoughts and culture.
Key words: he south sect of Confucianism; living close to Confucius’ hometown; the Near-Saint Culture psychology
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