文章编号:1672-3104(2015)06-0180-07 |
从圣人创艺到作品为纲:中国古代文艺著述中的“古典” |
周珩帮 |
(东南大学艺术学院,江苏南京,211189) |
摘 要: “古典”是一个历时性的艺术史概念。中国古代艺术著述先后出现三种不同含义的“古典”:圣人创艺的理想化古典、风格品评形成的古典、创作取法形成的古典,三种含义各自包涵三种不同的立论角度,大致分别形成于春秋至汉、魏晋和唐代。宋元以后,创作取法形成的“古典”处于优势地位,又兼有前两种含义。而历代著述的经学传统,又促成了创作、著述不断追述或“回复”先秦“古典”的一种理想化情怀。 |
关键词: 艺术史;古典;含义;圣人;作品 |
From Saint’s creation to artistic items: “Classic” in ancient Chinese literary works |
ZHOU Hangbang |
(Art Department, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China) |
Abstract: “Classic” is a diachronic concept in art history. As far as the classic of ancient Chinese literary works is concerned, three meanings appeared successively: the ideal “classic” of Saint’s creation, the “classic” of style by connoisseur, and the “classic” of resource for art works. These meanings convey three different points of views which were formed respectively in the periods of the Spring and Autumn period to the Han Dynasty, Wei and Jin Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty. After the Song and Yuan Dynasty, the resource for art work became dominant and included the other two. But the Confucian tradition of later generations promoted writing and constant producation, hence cultivating a trend that was recalling the ideal “classic”of pre-Qin Dynasty. |
Key words: Art History; Classic; Meaning; Saint; art works |