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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 20世纪40年代,国统区文学充分呈现了战争形势下中国人精神世界的丰富与复杂,具有强烈的抒情性,路翎的小说堪称代表。但随着战事的推进与转移,其激情书写也在发生着变异。究其实,抗战期间,人物身上的激情特质具有严重的内耗倾向:于知识分子,体现为超越性的然而脆弱的孤独;于底层民众,体现为狂热而盲目的混沌。内战时期,作家侧重于讽刺国民党的黑暗统治,凸显阶级压迫及民众反抗,理性话语增强。追其原因,除了《讲话》精神向国统区的传播、渗透外,作家自身的思想贫弱也不容忽视,这种贫弱与少年时代的不幸、物质生活的困窘、婚恋生活的琐碎等因素密切相关。路翎小说的抒情异变,凸显了特定历史时期文学发展的曲折,也彰显了作家不懈探索的艺术品格。
关键词: 路翎;战争;激情;内耗;异变
The new study on the internal consumption and its variation of passion in the context of the War in Lu Ling’s novels (1939—1949)
ZHAO Shuanghua
(The Department of Chinese Literature, Jining College, Qufu 273155, China)
Abstract: In the 1940s, the literature in the KMT-controlled area showed fully the rich and complicated spiritual life of the Chinese during the War, which boasted of strong lyricism. And Lu Ling’s novels representated such spirit. But as the War went on, the writing of such passion changed. In fact, the passion was consumed by itself: such characters as intellectuals were full of severe loneliness, while masses of lower classes were blindly and innocently chaotic. During the 3rd Civil War, Lu Ling paid closer attention to satirizing KMT’s oppressive rule, stressed class oppression and civil rebellion, and hence gradually strengthened rational discourse. Except for the spread and immersion of Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Yan’an Forum on Art and Literature, the main limiting factor lay in the writers’ weak mentality which was caused by their unfortunate experiences, poverty, and trivial marital life. This narrative evolution proved that the development of Chinese modern literature was complicated, and Lu Ling’s unremitting exploration was admirable.
Key words: Lu Ling; the War; passion; internal consumption; variation
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