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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 当前的诗歌翻译和消费社会语境处于一种深度共生的状态,由此带来了以下变化:其一,由于诗歌翻译生产方式的改变,诗歌的可译性被重构,诗歌原文在一定程度上被忽视;其二,诗歌翻译的传播渠道多元化,诗歌翻译文本以多种方式符号化为“消费品”;其三,诗歌翻译批评并没有把诗歌的美学特质放在首位,并且非专业的批评在一定程度上占有话语优势。对于诗歌翻译而言,消费社会的商品编码规则、符号表意方式才是导致危机的本源。因此,消费社会并不是诗歌翻译的末日,应当让诗歌返回其应有的位置,让诗歌翻译坚守专业性和严肃性。
关键词: 诗歌翻译;消费社会语境;市场;知识分子
On poetry translation in the context of consumption society
XU Zhen, XIONG Hui
(Chinese Modern Poetry Research Institute, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
Abstract: The situation that poetry translation and consumption society goes hand in hand at the present has brought about some problems as follows. First, the production method of poetry translation has been changed, and as a consequence, the translatability of poetry has been reconstructed and source language texts have been ignored. Second, the transmission of translated poems has become diversified so that translated texts have been signified as consumption goods in various ways. Third, criticism of poetry translation does not rank the aesthetic features of poetry as top priority, and nonprofessional criticism has taken the discourse advantage to a certain extent. As far as poetry translation is concerned, the origin of the crisis lies in the encoding rules as well as the modes of semiotic signification in consumption society. Therefore, consumption society should not mean the doom of poetry translation, and poetry should return to where it deserves to be so that poetry can hold fast to its intrinsic professionalism and seriousness.
Key words: poetry translation; consumption society; free market; intellectuals
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