自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 作为类型小说的穿越小说,在情节构筑上沿着对穿越者前后两个世界身份存在的单方否定、双重肯定和双重否定而展开,它为穿越者建构了一个可以比照的双重身份和人生世界,因此在回答“我是谁”与“我会是谁”这类人生之根本问题上具有独特价值。穿越能够改变穿越者自我身份中原先那些无法改变之处,为自我价值的实现提供较大可能,因此可视为反抗平庸的一种方式。但穿越者不属于穿越世界,缺乏归属感,且又受到整个穿越世界关系网络的制约,其自我在相当程度上仍是不自由的。《梦回大清》通过女主穿越,提供了一种想象性的满足自我欲望的方式,但其以“梦”的方式来诠释这一较具逻辑性的穿越历程,实际上是对现代世界生活和身份在否定之否定后的重新认可。
关键词: 穿越小说;《梦回大清》;叙述学;网络文学;符号学
Plot conception of time-travel novel: Double identity and self Taking Meng Hui Da Qing as an example
WANG Xiaoying, ZHU Dong
(College of Chinese language and Literature, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China;
School of International Cultural Exchange, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China)
Abstract: As a genre fiction, time-travel novel constructs a double identity of world and life for whoever travels through the time and space. So it has unique value of answering such questions as “who I am” and “who I will be”. Traversing can change those aspects in the original identity that can’t be changed, hence providing greater potential for the realization of self-value. Therefore, it can be regarded as a means of resisting the mediocrity. But the time-traveler does not belong to the time-traveling world, lacking the sense of belonging and being subject to the entire interpersonal network in the time-traveling world. So to some extent, the self is not free. Meng Hui Da Qing provides an imaginative way to satisfy the actress' emotional desire by traveling to a different world. However, the way of using “dream” to interpret this more logical journey is essentially a reawakening and recognition of the life and identity in the modern world after it has been negated.
Key words: time-travel novel; Meng Hui Da Qing; narratology; network literature; semiotics
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