自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 供给侧结构性改革蕴含深厚的民生价值,改善民生是其根本的出发点和落脚点,这既是社会主义本质的内在要求,也是深入推进供给侧结构性改革的现实需要。当前制约我国民生改善的主要原因在于供给侧结构性问题。增进民生福祉,亟需深化供给侧结构性改革。把供给侧结构性改革与需求管理结合起来;把发挥市场决定作用与强化政府宏观调控功能结合起来;做好“加减乘除”四则运算,促进产业结构和产品结构优化升级;改革和完善收入分配制度,由此提升我国供给体系的质量和效率,增加有效和中、高端供给,不断满足日益增长的民生需要,让全体社会成员共享改革发展成果,促进人的全面发展。
关键词: 供给侧结构性改革;民生;需求;市场调控;政府调控;产业结构;产品结构;收入分配制度
Reforming supply-side structure and improving people's livelihood
HE Fangbin
(School of Marxism, Jinan University, Jinan 250022, China)
Abstract: Reforming supply-side structure implies a profound value of the people’s livelihood. Improving people's livelihood is the fundamental starting point and foothold. It is both the inherent requirement of the essence of socialism and the practical need of further promoting the supply-side structural reform. Currently, the main reason of restricting the improvement of our livelihood is the problem of supply-side structure. Therefore, to promote of the welfare of the people's livelihood, it is urgent to deepen the reform of supply-side structure, including integrating the reform with requirements management, combining the key role of the market with the macro-control function of the government, improving and updating the structures of both the industry and the product by making good use of arithmetic formula of "addition and subtraction, multiplication and division," reforming and perfecting the system of income distribution. In this way, the quality and efficiency of our national supply system can be improved, the effective and high-end supply can be increased to meet the continuously growing needs of people’s livelihood. Subsequently, all the members of the society share the achievements of reform and development, which helps promote people's all-round development.
Key words: the reform of supply-side structure; people’s livelihood; demand; market regulation; government regulation; industrial structure; product structure; income distribution system
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