自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 早期与后期思想之异同、对儒家与佛家思想之认识变化是探讨梁漱溟道德功夫的演进轨迹的两个基本视域。早期,梁漱溟的道德功夫以一任直觉为主,辅以对意欲的调和。后期,梁漱溟转而强调生命的不懈奋进与人心的良知自觉。其早期思想中的两种功夫分别对应着儒、佛两家的两种本体,内蕴着一种紧张关系。后期,梁漱溟转而开始强调儒佛两家在成德功夫上的相通,缓解了其紧张关系。这种道德功夫的转变,一方面体现了梁漱溟对传统思想资源的重新取舍,另一方面也体现了梁漱溟对儒佛关系的自觉调整。这种转变促使早期梁漱溟思想中的善恶二元对立的倾向发展为更加辩证的对立统一的关系。梁漱溟先生在西方文化冲击的背景下,将儒佛两家的成德功夫落实于自觉的不懈奋斗上,为我们提供了一个传统道德现代转型的有益范型。
关键词: 梁漱溟;道德功夫;直觉;意欲;儒佛;良知
From intuition to conscious endeavor: On the evolution track of Liang Shuming’s moral efforts
WANG Ruoxi
(Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)
Abstract: The differences between the earlier and later stages of Liang Shuming’s thoughts as well as his ideological changes of Confucian and the Buddhist aspects are the two basic dimensions in exploring the evolution of Liang's moral efforts. In his earlier stage, Liang's moral efforts are mainly intuitional, aided by the compromise of the Will. In his later thoughts, Liang begins to emphasize the unremitting endeavor of life and the self-conscious conscience of the Will. The moral efforts in Liang’s earlier thought correspond to two kinds of ontology in Confucianism and Buddhism, containing an intrinsic tension. However, Liang later tends to put emphasis on the interlink between them in cultivating morality, hence relieving their tension. Such transformation in Ling's moral efforts renders the binary opposition between good and evil in his earlier thoughts develop into a more dialectical relation with both opposition and unity. Facing the concussion of western culture, Liang points out that conscious endeavor is the common basis of the Confucian and the Buddhist moral efforts, hence providing us a useful paradigm for the traditional morality to be adapted for the modern society.
Key words: Liang Suming; moral efforts; moral intuition; Will; Confucianism and Buddhism; conscience
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