自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 古典历史主义尽管拒斥启蒙的普遍理性而强调个体的特殊性和价值,但其在本体论上依然是形而上学的,即相信历史是有意义的过程,这种意义与上帝相连。但伴随着世界的袪魅和历史终极意义的失落,古典历史主义不可避免地陷入历史虚无主义。现代的许多思想家企图重启古希腊的“自然法”原则来克服“历史主义的危机”,但这已经不经意地陷入了历史主义与自然主义的无休止的争论之中。《资本论》中的新型历史主义思想原则,不仅瓦解了启蒙的抽象理性以及政治经济学中的形而上学思维,而且还在澄清人类生活的历史性本质的基础上,指明了人的解放的现实道路。考量历史主义谱系中的《资本论》,无论对于提炼历史主义积极的理论成就,还是对于深入研究《资本论》,都具有重大的意义。
关键词: 历史主义;启蒙理性;《资本论》;形而上学;人的解放
Das Kapital from the perspective of Historicism
LIU Xiongwei
(College of Literature, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China)
Abstract: Classical Historicism, although rejecting widespread rational enlightenment and emphasizing the special nature and values of the individual, is still of the ontological metaphysics in that it believes that history is a meaningful process and that the meaning is related to God. But with the decay of aura in the world and the loss of historical essence, classical Historicism inevitably falls into the history of nihilism. Many modern thinkers attempt to restart the “natural” concept of ancient Greece to overcome the crisis of Historicism, but it has been inadvertently caught up in endless debate between Historicism and Naturalism. The new ideological principles of Das Kapital in the perspective of Historicism not only disorganizes the collapse of the abstract rationality of the Enlightenment and the political economy of metaphysical thinking, but also indicates a feasible road for human liberation on the basis of clarifying the historical nature of human life. Examining Das Kapital from the perspective of Historicism is of great significance not only for refining the theory of Historicism positive achievements, but also for in-depth study of Das Kapital.
Key words: Historicism; rationalism; Das Kapital; metaphysics; human liberation
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