文章编号:1672-3104(2016)02-0013-06 |
为生命美学补“历史性”——生命美学视野下的德国古典美学 |
杨一博 |
(西南政法大学马克思主义学院哲学系,重庆,401120) |
摘 要: 生命美学以超主客对立、超理性主义作为其主要的理论特征,但其在与实践美学的理论交集中,这些特征遭到了质疑和批判。实质上,这些质疑与批判的逻辑源头是孤立地将生命作为生命美学的核心,忽视了生命与美学的内在历史关联。生命对于美学不是一种逻辑的在先,生命美学不是指美学对生命的关照。与之相反,生命是美学发展历程中所呈现的一种理论契机。从这一视野出发,可以将生命美学与德国古典美学关联起来,其不仅赋予了德国古典美学新的理论关照,也可使生命美学获得新的理论增长点。 |
关键词: 生命美学;实践美学;德国古典美学;主客对立;理性主义 |
Completing life aesthetics with historicity: German classical aesthetics from the perspective of Life Aesthetics |
YANG Yibo |
(School of Marxism, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China) |
Abstract: The prominent characteristics of Life Aesthetics include transcending dualism and transcending rationalism, but these characteristics are criticized by the Practice Aesthetics. These criticisms point out the ignorance of the relationship between life and aesthetics. Life Aesthetics does not treat life from the aesthetic standpoint. On the contrary, life is the theoretical moment for the history of aesthetics. Based on this idea, Life Aesthetics could establish logical relationship with German classical aesthetics, and this could support Life Aesthetics with new views and growth points during its development. |
Key words: Life Aesthetics; Practice Aesthetics; German classical aesthetics; opposition between the subject and the object; rationalism |