自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: “汉大赋的图志化”,即汉大赋的制作常需从地图、方志中获取书写材料,图志成了大赋写制过程中一个重要的知识来源,而且在叙事上还呈现出一定的立体空间感。辞赋图志化表征有二:一是重视知识的博物与知类,二是强调空间与方位叙事。汉代的许多著名大赋,皆有图志化的典型特征。汉大赋图志化是在汉帝国政治军事需求、图籍编纂之风盛行及图画辅助教化等多种因素的共同作用下产生的。汉代“体国经野,义尚广大”的时代精神是其文化学术背景。大赋图志化一定程度上改变了文学的本质属性,扩充了汉赋所要呈现的物态容量和空间维度,使辞赋由原来的文学语言艺术变成了“空间艺术”,但是过度追求图志化,也给辞赋革新带来了弊端。
关键词: 汉大赋;图志化;博物和知类;空间与方位
The trend of annals and maps in Han Fu Writing
ZHANG Pengbing
(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract: “The Trend of Chronicles and Maps in Han Fu Writing” refers to the production process in which Han Fu often needs to draw writing materials from the maps and local chronicles. That is to say, maps and local chronicles have become an important source of knowledge, showing a three-dimensional sense of space in the narrative. This tendency has two representations: the first one is nature history and clustering; the second is emphasis on narrative of space and orientation. And there is a typical feature of chronicles and maps in many well-known Fu. The formation of Han Fu is caused by many factors, such as the Han Empire political and military needs, the prevalence about the compilation of the graphic information and the pictures auxiliary function of enlightenment as well as the grand time spirit of Han Dynasty as its cultural and academic background. To some extent, it has changed the nature of literature, expanded the state capacity and spatial dimension of Han Fu, and transformed the literary language into “space art”, but overt pursuit of the trend of chronicles and maps of Han Fu has brought about some disadvantages.
Key words: Han Fu; the trend of annals and maps; nature history and clustering; space and orientation
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