自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要:  周建人在五四后期在恋爱、婚姻、离婚问题上更多地注重个体的自由、价值和觉醒。他认为,真诚的恋爱本是人生的花,是精神的高尚产品;理想的配偶选择应以个人本身性质上的各种美德为标准;以爱情的有无为婚姻离合的原则。婚恋的个人自由和独立有利于种族的完善、国家的进步,也是妇女解放和冲破家族制度的重要手段。因此,其婚恋观的一个重要诉求是男女平等,呈现出对妇女解放各个问题理性而具体的思考。
关键词:  婚恋观;周建人;《妇女杂志》;男女平等;自由;五四后期
Zhou Jian-ren’s view on love and marriage in the anaphase of
the May Fourth Movement
——Observed from the journal WOMEN
XIAO Haiyan
(History Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China)
Abstract:  Zhou Jian-ren pays more attention to the individual’s liberty, value and disenchantment relating to the questions of love, marriage and divorcement in the anaphase of the May Fourth Movement. He thinks that true love is originally the flower of life and spiritual noble products and ideal choice of spouse should be based on all kinds of virtues of one’s own and divorcement should be based on the principle of love. Individual freedom and dependence in the aspect of love and the improvement of marriage helps perfect the race and promote the state, which is also an important means of women’s emancipation and family system. So sexual equality is an important demand of his view on love and marriage, which shows rational and realistic consideration on each issue about women’s emancipation.
Key words:  view on love and marriage; Zhou Jian-ren; women’s journal; sexual equality; liberty; the anaphase of the May Fourth Movement
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