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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: “文如其人”的成立具有一定的条件,“文”“人”对应必须承认差异性、局部性与阶段性。“文”“人”对应的差异性既体现在不同的作品反映其作者相关特性的不一致性,有的反映德性、有的展示才情、有的呈现风格,同时又体现在同一作者同一主题的诸多作品中的不一致性。作者作为社会性与自然性的统一体,决定了“文”必然能体现、反映“人”的品性、才情、风格,但与此同时,“文”的丰富性与“人”的复杂性,决定了“文”只能体现“人”的某一方面或者某一部分。作者的人生阶段影响其作品的内容和风格,与此相对照,“文”“人”对应也具有鲜明的阶段性。
关键词: 文如其人;差异性;局部性;阶段性
Three characteristics of “the Writing Mirrors the Writer”: Taking Wang Dai as an example
HE Zhengju
(China South Publishing & Media Group, Changsha 410005, China)
Abstract: When people say that the writing mirrors the writer, they mean that the correspondence with the writing and the writer must be based on difference, partiality and periodicity. To start with, difference in the correspondence between the writing and the writier is embodied in the inconsistency that some works reflect the writer’s related characteristics as some works demonstrate his morality, some his talents, still others his style. Meanwhile, even in the works of the same theme by the same writer, we can still find inconstency. As the unity of a social being and natural being, the writer determines that his writing will and must reflect the writer’s personality, temperament and style. But meanwhile, the richness of the writing and the complexity of the writer determine the fact that the writing can only reflect one aspect or some parts of his character. What’s more, the writer’s life periods exert influence on the contents and style of his writing. Accordingly, the correspondence between the writing and the writer has distinct periodicity.
Key words: the writing mirrors the writer; difference; partiality; periodicity
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