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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 《君子于役》是一首在家的妻子思念久役在外而不得回家的丈夫的诗。顾炎武却认为其主旨是“讥钟鸣漏尽而不知止之人”,钱先生敏锐地发现了顾氏说《诗》乃是“意有所讽,借题发策”,是有感于明末清初混乱的社会现实而指桑骂槐。《君子于役》开启了古代诗文“暝色起愁”意象的先河,王安石不清楚《君子于役》所确立的黄昏意象,不了解皇甫冉“暝色起春愁”渊源有自,因而擅改皇甫冉诗句;王士祯也不知道皇甫冉“暝色起春愁”的渊源,所以附和王安石,谓肿为肥,且把它写进了论诗绝句。《管锥编》将金针度人,做了有理有据、令人信服的批评,给后人昭示了不少至为精彩的读书、研究方法。
关键词: 君子于役;学术陈案;批驳;《管锥编》;钱钟书
On significance of the methodology in Guan Zhui Bian • Mao Shi Zheng Yi • Husband in Army
WANG Renen
(School of Humanities, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China)
Abstract: Husband in Army is a poem about a wife at home who missed her husband while he had to take long service and could not come home. Gu Yan-wu believed that the poem aimed “to ridicule people who did not know that they should stop even when the bell rang and the water clock dripped off .” Mr. Qian Zhong-shu, however, was acute to find that Gu’s comment on the poem “meant to satirize and take advantage of the subject to get policy”, and that Gu was actually affected by the chaotic social reality of late Ming and early Qing, hence pointing at one yet abusing another. Husband in Army was the beginning of the image of “dusk arousing sorrow” in the ancient poetry. Wang An-shi failed to recognize the dusk image established in Husband in Army, or to understand the origin of Huang Fu-ran’s “dusk arousing spring sorrow,” changing Huang Fu-ran’s verse line at will. Wang Shi-zhen, who did not know the origin of Huang Fu-ran’s verse either, echoed Wang An-shi, viewed swelling as fat, and compiled it into seven-word poems on poetry review. Guan Zhui Bian made pertinent and convincing criticism, hence leaving splendid methodology on reading and research to later generations.
Key words: Husband in Army; academic case; refute; Guan Zhui Bian; Qian Zhong-shu
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