自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在我国全面深化改革背景中,法治思维在经济、政治、社会、文化、生态“五位一体”总布局中发挥着重要作用。法治思维追求公平正义、保障权利实现、倡导规则意识、高扬理性精神、注重程序法效,与深化改革中社会的价值诉求相契合。法治思维不断回应社会需要的过程正是其功能不断在全面深化改革进程中得到释放的过程:法治思维在市场经济中谋划公平与效率的关系,提升经济效率;在政治生态中强化民主政治;在风险社会中消解社会风险,优化社会秩序;在意识形态领域中作为核心价值观的催化剂增加主流价值观的思想硬度,把握人们的价值所需,保障意识形态安全;在生态文明建设中唤起生态法治观念,构建美丽中国。
关键词: 法治思维;全面深化改革;公平正义 ;民主政治;社会风险;主流价值观;生态文明
The function release of legal thinking in the context of comprehensively deepening the reform
WANG Peizhou
(School of Marxism, CCPS, Beijing 100091, China)
Abstract: In the context of comprehensively deepening the reform in China nowadays, legal thinking plays an important role in economy, politics, society, culture and ecology, known as the “five-in-one” layout. The legal thinking pursues fairness and justice, secures the implementation of the rights, promotes awareness of the rules, highlights the rational spirit, and pays attention to the effect of procedural law, which fits well with the value demand of the society in comprehensively deepening the reform. The process during which legal thinking constantly responds to the social needs is consistent with the process during which function of legal thinking is constantly released in comprehensively deepening reform. Legal thinking strikes a balance between economy and efficiency in the market economy so as to enhance economic efficiency, strengthens democratic politics in the political ecology, dissolves social risks in the risky society, guarantees ideological security, and arouses the ecological consciousness in the construction of ecological civilization, and paves the way for building a beautiful China.
Key words: legal thinking; comprehensively deepeing the reform; fairness and justice; democratic politics; social risks; ecological civilization
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