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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 从民生视阈来看,“四个全面”战略布局既是我们党治国理政的整体战略思想,也是现阶段统筹民生发展的具体战略思路。全面建成小康社会为民生发展指明方向目标;全面深化改革为民生发展提供动力源泉;全面依法治国为民生发展夯实法治基石;全面从严治党为民生发展奠定政治保障。我们在协调推进“四个全面”战略布局的过程中,需要着力保障和改善民生,使人民群众共享改革发展成果,从而为人的自由全面发展创造现实条件。
关键词: 民生;“四个全面”战略布局;小康社会;深化改革;依法治国;从严治党
Value implication of people’s livelihood of Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy
HE Fangbin
(College of Marxism, Jinan University, Jinan 250022, China)
Abstract: From the perspective of people’s livelihood, Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy is our party’s overall strategic thought of governing the country, and also the specific strategic thread of planning the development of people’s livelihood at this stage. Comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society points out the direction for the development of people’s livelihood. Comprehensively deepening the reform provides power source for the development of people’s livelihood. Comprehensively ruling the state by law establishes the legal basis for the development of people’s livelihood. Comprehensively and strictly administering the party provides political guarantee for the development of people’s livelihood. In the process of coordinating the promotion of Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, we need to exert utmost efforts to guarantee and improve people’s livelihood so that they can share the achievements of reform and development. Only in this way can we create realistic conditions for the free and comprehensive development of man.
Key words: people’s livelihood; Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy; a moderately prosperous society; deepening reform; ruling by law; strictly administering the party
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