文章编号:1672-3104(2016)04-0174-06 |
论电影跨文化传播中的“中国形象”建构 |
罗维 |
(湖南警察学院基础课部,湖南长沙,410138) |
摘 要: 在“后西方时代”来临及中国崛起的国际政治背景下,好莱坞电影所建构的“中国形象”不同以往,折射出西方国家所隐含的新的政治文化意愿,但始终是以一种西方为中心和主体的文化策略为前提。在此背景下中国电影需积极建构跨文化传播中自身的主体形象。目前中国电影的跨文化输出存在各种问题。以打造“中国梦”作为中国电影跨文化传播的文化内核,并增强跨文化传播过程中异质文化里相似性文化基因的传递将会是行之有效的策略。 |
关键词: 好莱坞电影;跨文化传播;中国形象;文化内核 |
On the construction of “the image of China” in intercultural communication of movies |
LUO Wei |
(Department of Basic Course, Hunan Police Academy, Changsha 410138, China) |
Abstract: Under the international political context with “Post-western Era” approaching and China rising, the image of China constructed by Hollywood movies reflects a new political and cultural will of the western countries, which, however, still maintains its cultural strategy with the west as the center and subject. In this context, Chinese movies need to take an active part in constructing a self-image of the subject. But there are many problems in intercultural output of Chinese movies. It will be an effective strategy to build Chinese Dream as the cultural core in intercultural transmission of Chinese movies, and to enhance the transmission of the cultural genetic similarities between different cultures. |
Key words: Hollywood movies; intercultural transmission; the image of China; cultural core |