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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要:  “灰色道德”是一种不求善不避恶,抛弃善恶两极,而走中间道路的道德中立观,它把妥协作为价值标准,容易导致人们同情邪恶,反抗美德,因失去道德标准、原则和目标而变得麻木,进而导致一个非理性社会的产生。崇尚选择灰色道德的人,不是不能够选择完全善和完全恶,而是不愿意选择完全善和完全恶。他们在心理上存在一种逃避心理,即追求道德责任的逃避,怕被烙上道德“黑”的污名。
关键词:  灰色道德;道德中立;道德选择;道德评判
Comment on gray morality
WU Ningning
(Philosophy and Science Department, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)
Abstract:  With the development of economy accompanying the question of morality, in a lot of moral concepts there existing in nowadays, there is one kind of moral neutral-notion which not aiming at being good and avoiding being evil, abandoning the good-and-evil poles, neither on one side nor the other but in the middle of the choice, which might be called “gray morality”. This morality takes compromising as standard of its core of which the value, result leads to people feel pity for Belial gradually and the resist virtue, and makes people become numb because of losing the morality standard, principle and target, and then leads to a creation. The advocating of the gray morality is completely wrong, is not “that person can not choose completely kind or complete evil”, but is “that people chooses completely kind and complete evil unwillingly”. Judging from mentality, people make the choice of gray morality have a evasive mentality, the implication of this choice is not running after “white” but running after escaping morality responsibility, being afraid of being branded with “black” dirty name. The fact that majority in morality is “gray” requires morality “white” urgently to correct this behavior. On one hand, does out stand for rational morality choice; on the other hand, person can never abandon morality judge.
Key words:  gray morality; morality neutrality; morality chooses; morality judge
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