文章编号:1672-3104(2016)04-0151-05 |
当代中国人生存失范的峻切书写——新文化观与文学生存论观照下的《活着之上》 |
王攸欣 |
(中南大学文学与新闻学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 阎真《活着之上》因为对中国大学与社会生存失范状态的峻切书写,成为2015年当代文学界热门话题。从基因同异创化论与文学生存论视角,对《活着之上》所写的主题与人物作出分析,指出中国人近代以来面临新的历史境遇与资源竞争对象,竞争激化,造成了生存失范的文化历史境况。聂致远、蒙天舒等不仅是中国大学教师生存困境的体现者,更是整个中国当代社会的代表性人物,对于他们的叙述、虚构凸显了中国部分知识分子生存真实。 |
关键词: 《活着之上》;生存失范;基因同异创化论;文学生存论 |
Severe and conscientious writing of existential anomie of contemporary Chinese: On Yan Zhen’s Beyond Living in the light of Neo-cultural concepts and theory of Literature Existence |
WANG Youxin |
(School of Literature and Journalism, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: Yan Zhen’s novel Beyond Living became a hot issue in 2015 in the contemporary literary circle because of its severe and conscientious writing about existential anomie in Chinese universities and society. In the light of Gene-identical-discrepant Evolutionism and theory of Literature Existence, the present essay analyzes the theme and characters of Beyond Living, and points out that the Chinese have been confronted with the new historical circumstances and the new objects in the resource competition since the mid-19th century. The intensification of competition causes the existential anomie. Such characters as Nie Zhiyuan and Meng Tianshu are not only the embodiments of the college teachers’ existential dilemma but also the representatives in the whole modern China, the narration and invention of whom highlight the life reality of some intellectuals in modern China. |
Key words: Beyond Living; existential anomie; Gene-identical-discrepant Evolutionism; theory of Literature Existence |